Image by Alip Jon
Gotta to be true, he is the meteor. Alip Jon will never be out of can. For this time, Alip Jon_ and Gindring Wasted brushed some pain off the wall of Twilo Skate Corner. Railing to Kemang, these two street-artists sprayed off the can into the cul-de-sac to make the “TAMPANG ROHANI JIWA ROH JAHAT”.
Sure, you must be familiar with Alip Jon’s recent works. His infamous style of drawing and colouring have been putting him on the map for a quite long time. And that wouldn’t be different as we notice the punkish-skull, the iconic marquee of Gindring Waste all over the cities.
Teaming up together, Slip and Gindring Waste seem to have the permission to furnish the wall of Twilo Skate Corner Kemang. The substance of “TAMPANG ROHANI JIWA ROH JAHAT” is quite hard to denote and put it in a word. For all we know, these two artists are the messengers, the face of the street that has spoken the undisputed words of the community, the phenomenon that is stated to happen, in cycles around the metropolis.