Image by Paperlines
Taking on the darkness, riding in snatching fire. On this March, Greedy Dust provides continuous surprises in the series of Greedy Dust March programs Showdown. After successfully holding hardcore shows in Semarang & Jogjakarta. This time, Greedy Dust created works of custom motorbikes as part of their artistic exploration at the showcase this March.
Based on a collaboration with an Automotive Designer from Jakarta named Kevindra Arsalan, this motorbike merges a retro cyber style with a hotrod applied to an Indonesian matic motorcycle chassis. To emphasize the Greedy Dust identity on the motorcycle body, a fire accent was chosen. Which to make it more interesting, the execution of the motor body is made from plastic waste by a material studio from Bandung named Trash Smith.
On March 26, this bike will be throwing public in an experimental performance made by Greedy Dust interdisciplinary with xxTamatxx (DJ Breakcore from Surabaya), Bajra (Collective Artists from Pasuruan), Possise (Streetwear from Surabaya), Keep It Real (Hardcore Band from Malang), FATV (Video Mapping Collective), Shoutkast (Rave Collective from Malang), & Mendadak Kolektif (Organizer Tour from Surabaya) in Surabaya.