Photos by Drop Dead
Alternative fashion culture and inclusivity brand created by Bring Me The Horizon vocalist Oliver Sykes, Dropdead just released their newest collection entitled Hardcore Feelings. The Fascinating about this collection is some of their articles visual are illustrated by two top rated indonesia illustrator Dwiky KA and Fr3lan.
Dwiky KA is a visual artists from Surabaya, Indonesia now based in Yogyakarta has done many works that are prettyΒ eccentricΒ in a way, his bizarre-unique artwork has been placed himself on the spotlight. Dwiky KA tries to play the right visual by still giving his iconic art style but also adjusting it to the style of Drop Dead.
But don’t miss the other one Fr3lan, he is a deeply rooted Hardcore & Punk illustrator. The bold and fierce of his illustration and typography has completed Drop Dead articles ‘Army of Bones’ and ‘Mosh the Pain Away’. Particularly for ‘Mosh the Pain’ article Dwiky Ka work side by side with Fr3lan for its visuals.
This collection has released on Drop Dead official webstore, go straight to their page to buy these two illustrators work.