Image by Round Rope
Starting off with the set of hand-made cunning jewel accessories, Round Rope now releases a series of staples, entitled “Find Love”. Copying up the sense of cheerful youth, this Round Rope drops explores the multicolour density over some printed garment ranging in t-shirts and shorts. This flavory colour speaks to the blooming and falling of what Round Rope always cherishes.
In total of 6 colorways, Round Rope pursues a distinct look of the mix-matched tone, highlighting their signature logo. It’s like a picture shuffling mode printed on the basis of each illustration. As it represented the line of Find Love, Round Rope has it clips the hang of those colour bends, nicely.
Though there might be a little thing that incomplete this drop. Honestly speaking, this collection is arguably short of staples variety. But, you have nothing more to pass on the “Find Love” collection, get through all this collection and get a piece of it.