Image by Press
Hallway is slipping in between the underground stage by releasing its solid track of “Violent Daze”. What’s so called, alt-rock and shoegaze are named to be the pure soul of this quartet following their upcoming-yet-unpublished EP of 4 songs. “Violent Daze” fills in the box of their instrumental whiz and airy lyrics.
Putting their charm over a long-delayed guitar strum and chanting drum, “Violent Daze” may place another shoegazing anthem which has been echoed for these couple of years. Though a dazing ambience and layered vocal is nothing new, yet Hallway displays another melancholic and catching stuff through this single. Chim (Guitar/Vocal), Andrian (Guitar), Dimas (Drum) and Wildan (Bass/Vocal)—songwriter— pursue their alternate-ego which is shadowing over this composition.
As we wait for their fullest genetics, Hallway also mentions (press) about their undergoing material of their last 2 tracks (“White Ink” and “Never Ending Sequels”) plus one untitled song to go. Make some times to listen to this dazzling track on the link below :