Image by Oxford Society
“On The Verge” is a theme picked by Oxford Society in reminiscing the pre pandemic picture in a line of apparels. Alongside with Satria Vijie, a renowned local skateboarder, this collection is exclusively out in a range of bucket hat, vest, short pant and vest. Originally created by Satria Vijie, the core graphics of this collection are printed down on each of these articles.
The idea is pretty simple, to recollect all the things that we enjoyed before the pandemic strike. It may sound a little bit cliche but the truth is well spoken. Oxford Society and Satria Vijie cherish the memory of daily routine before it all shifted. The photo session pictures the gesture of nostalgic scent by visiting the spot where the youth used to enjoy skating and stuff. Taken by professional photographer, Fadhil Mubarak, the editorial pages are well styled with the combination of youthful angles.
Talking about the line up, this collaboration may provide a basic go-to wear, though the graphics printed say a lot more about the brand identity. Satria Vijie obviously represents the youth with his cartoon-ish designs. Overall, this collection is so fine. A little information, this drop is already available via Oxford Society official web-store.